Saturday 22 February 2014

Eat your cake: Martins Place, Neukölln

There's something rather Groundhog Dayish about having tiny humans.

(I'm not supposed to call the twins 'babies' any more, now that they have passed the grand old age of one. It's the equivalent if calling yourself a girl when you're over thirty, apparently.)

You secretly cheer every night to have 'made it through another day'. You crash out in front of the mac/tv/ipad at 7pm and are in bed by 9pm (or thinking about it, or dreaming about it while sterilising bottles and rinsing out vomity things). And when you do get that holy grail, a Moment To Yourself, you're at a total loss what to do.

And so I found myself on the lookout for a place in the wintery sun, again. I headed back to the Melbourne Canteen, but that side of the road was in the shade in the late afternoon. I followed the rays and there they were, two tables in front of a small cake shop.

I gingerly went in; it didn't look all that open and the coffee machine shone like it had been either just cleaned for the day, or had not yet been used. But they made me a cappuccino and fed me one of an impressive array of cakes. Not having cake was not an option. So much was clear by the way I was asked which cake I was having.

apple something something cake

While I sat there, gratefully eating, drinking and reading (the luxury), a steady stream of people came in and left again with neat packages in their wire bike baskets. No one joined me at the little tables though. Through the fog that is my brain I realised: this is the go-to place for cake in the Kiez. I may not be the one to find it first, but I'm sure happy I know where it is.

Martins Place Kuchenmanufactur, Pannierstraße 29, 12047 Berlin, website, open Tue-Fri 10am-7pm, Sat 11am-8pm, Sun 11am-7pm

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