Saturday 3 January 2015

Powdered chocolate pots

Being a person who likes her food, I have certain rules and conventions to follow. A major rule is that, as a food lover, you're supposed to steer well clear of anything from a packet. 

Packets are blasphemy in the church of the food fanatic. Packets are deadly for the taste buds, full of rubbish ingredients and horribly lacking in the pure and natural department. They're the equivalent of fake Christmas trees. They're like wine from a carton. Evil, is what packets are.

Needless to say, when I came across this pretty packet, promising molten chocolate pots in a mere 90 seconds, I had to buy it.

All you have to do is tip the powder into a cup, mix it with water and cook it in the microwave (another one of those no no's in foodie wonderland) for a minute and a half.

It came out perfectly fluffy, complete with molten centre. It was delicious, dry and sweet. The whole thing was prepped, cooked and eaten within 5 minutes. 

What's not to like? Pure, schmure. I'm going to get myself another packet of this.

Tüpfelchen Taschenkuchen Schokolade, €1,59 per packet (for one cake), Butlers