Sunday 28 July 2013

Banana fix

Quick fixes are favourites round our house at the minute. I was warned, with baby twins, I would be drinking lots of cold cups of tea. It's not quite that bad, actually. But if I want to have my dinner before 9 pm, short cuts have to be taken.

Today, on what has to be the hottest day of the year here in Berlin (no sign of that torrential rain that's tormenting a large part of Europe just yet), we opted for a Schiller burger outside, and a dessert that I read about on Chocolate and Zucchini, instant banana sorbet. It's amazingly simple, superbly delicious and yes, dead quick.

The only thing that would make it even quicker is to peel your (blackened and overripe) bananas before placing them in the freezer. But apart from that, what could be easier then tossing them in the Magimix, pulsing, scraping the slush down, pulsing again, scraping the slush down again (do not attempt to do this while the blade is running like me, queen of all shortcuts, or you'll end up with a spatula looking like this:)

and hey, presto!

Dinner, dessert and baby bedtime all over and done with before 9pm. Priceless.

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