Thursday 29 May 2014

365 day project: Berlin skies

If you ask me, it all started with the blog then book then film of that easily dislikeable Julie woman of Julie and Julia fame: 365 day projects. They intrigue me, though, the people who do them. Some go through tremendous lengths every single day to create amazing photographs. I suspect they don't have jobs. Or children. Maybe a nice trust fund tucked away somewhere... Anyway. As you can tell, I am jealous.

Ever since I discovered the phenomenon, I have been trying to come up with my own 365 day project. A doable one that is, because let's face it, my day is a success when I leave the house with my hair combed. 

So this was my idea: take a picture of that iconic Berlin landmark, the Fernsehturm, every day. I can see it from my living room. Easy. And with the ever changing Berlin night skies, it might even be interesting. Excellent stuff.

I have been at it for 4 days now. I missed day 3. I am starting to realise that I will not make it to 365. Nor will I manage to post every day. I won't be opening a separate blog page for it, either. Oh well, 4 is the new 365, methinks. 

Day before day before yesterday, 10.33pm

Day before yesterday, 9.25pm

Today, 9.23pm

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