Friday, 12 August 2011

Read a lot: the camper van cookbook

Ever since I saw Martin Dorey on telly in his BBC programme, One man and his campervan, I've developed a bit of a crush. Yes, I know he's married with two kids and yes, he seems quite happy about that. But still. His enthusiasm for food, foraging for ingredients and nature itself, his down to earth attitude when things go wrong and his lovely, lovely campervan called Pootle make him the ideal holiday companion.

Martin's book on life and cooking in his campervan, The camper van cookbook, has earned a spot on my dashboard. It is mostly a cookbook, focusing on versatile recipes that can be cooked on two rings max. Or on a barbie, of course.
At the same time, the book is filled with tips and ideas for a jolly holiday. Want to pick your own mussels? Make your own hammock? Build a sundial or convince the world and his best friend that you're a first class surf dude? Martin tells you how to do it.
The campfire songs (chords provided), funky car games (roadside roulette anyone?) and guide for picking your own berries make you long for those good old holidays you enjoyed as a kid. Now there's a guide for grown ups. Good thing the holiday season is here!

This happy camper book is available in English (Saltyard Books) and Dutch (Kosmos Uitgevers). Want to see more of Martin? Go to Martin's blog or follow him on Twitter (@campervanliving).